Organizational effectiveness conceptual framework, criteria and models
Vasil Pavlov

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to present a unified model of organizational effectiveness, bringing together various elements proposed by previous researchers to provide a comprehensive framework that can be used to guide future research, taking into account the organizational context. A unified model is proposed that is holistic, comprehensive and integrated, incorporating systems thinking. It consists of three components – objectives, measures and stakeholder/stakeholder satisfaction – and can be customized by practitioners and researchers to specific contexts in a range of organizations. The framework can be used to help managers select balanced, appropriate organizational performance assessment measures that are context-specific and provide a more holistic approach to guide research.
Keywords: conceptual framework; models; organizational effectiveness; performance criteria
Citation: Pavlov, V. (2024). Organizational effectiveness – conceptual framework, criteria and models. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management, 69(3), 27-33 (Bg).
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| Date published: 2024-09-30
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