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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Prospects for the development of the circular Bioeconomy in Bulgaria
Anton Mitovorcid
Abstract: The Bioeconomy gained increasing importance and importance in the first decade of the 21st century following its adoption by the European Union (EU) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as a framework to promote the use of biotechnology to develop new products and markets. Since then, both the EU and the OECD have implemented specific Bioeconomy policies. Outlining perspectives by analyzing official indicators is key to the development of the sector. Indicators developed by the JRC, also known as the “Bioeconomy monitoring system”, are used. The study focuses on the comparison of Bioeconomy indicators with the average values for the European Union. Long-term periods are covered, according to available data, to highlight trends and track the development of each indicator. Bulgaria has the lowest energy productivity in the EU–27 and the lowest values for household waste recycling. The development of organic agriculture lags significantly (more than 3 times) behind the set national goals and the average values for the EU–27. Also, the levels of pollution of rivers and groundwater are the highest in our country.
A prerequisite is being created for serious, not only ecological, risks for the development of the Bioeconomy in
Keywords: Bioeconomy; circular economy; indicator analysis
Citation: Mitov, A. (2024). Prospects for the development of the circular Bioeconomy in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management, 69(4), 30-44 (Bg).
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Date published: 2024-12-20
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