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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Framework for analyzing, assessing and improving system of eco-management in agriculture
Hrabrin Bachev
Резюме: This paper suggests a holistic framework for analyzing, assessing and improving the system of eco-management in the modern stage of development of Bulgarian agriculture. First, necessity for a socioeconomic approach in analysis and assessment of agro-eco-management is outlined. After that agroeco-management is defined and the scope of its analysis described. Next, agents and needs of agro-eco-management are characterized. Following that the principle mechanisms and modes of agro-eco-management are presented. Next, components and levels of agro-eco-management analysis are presented. After that factors for agro-eco-management and their significance are identified. Next, the efficiency of agro-eco-management is defined and approaches and indicators for its assessment suggested. Finally, stages in improvement of the system of eco-management in agriculture are described. The goal of this study is not to work out a final and universal framework for agro-eco-management assessment. It is rather to suggest a base of such a document, which incorporate the modern development of science and international experiences in that area. The framework is to be subject of further improvement, discussion and adaptation according to the goals and levels of the analysis. The ultimate aim of this study is to assist inter-disciplinary analysis and assessment of modes and the system of eco-management in agriculture; improvement of public policies, forms of public intervention, and public eco-programs in agriculture; and individual,business and collective strategies and actions for sustainable development of agriculture.
Ключови думи: agriculture; agro-eco-management; analysis; methodical approach
Дата на публикуване: 2017-10-04
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