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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Main trends of wheat production and market
Kina Ivanova
Резюме: The article analyzes the state and the trends of area size, average yields and wheat production. Balance has been made between the production and the consumption of grain on the interior market and it has been proved that the offering surpasses the demand, with the result of exportation increase. The purchase prices levels and the wheat cost price have been analyzed and it has been proved that the prices plus the subsidies on area unit stimulate the production enlargement. The export prices of Bulgarian wheat have been compared to these of our main competitors on international markets. The trends of production development and of consumption have been followed, for the world in total and by states, biggest consumers of wheat. It has been proved that the consumption increases more rapidly than the supply, in result of which the stocks decrease. Main conclusions have been made about the future development of grain market.
Ключови думи: market prices of wheat; prices of wheat; wheat production; world wheat production and consumption; flour and bread
Дата на публикуване: 2017-10-03
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