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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Analysis and assessment of the effects of CAP on Bulgarian fruit growing
Резюме: The article analyzes the development of the fruit – growing sub-sector since the country’s accession to the EU. The place of fruit production in the arable sector, change of areas occupied by fruit trees, the level of average yields and production is determinated. Also examined is the change in the structure and varieties, the number and average size of farms occupied by orchards. The trade with fruits, dynamics of export and import of fruits, structural analysis of export market, share of exports and imports in the economy is made, too. The main instruments of the CAP influence in “Fruits and Vegetables” and legal and regulatory framework for their implementation is analized. The main conclusions are associated with a reduction in production area for almost all orchard areas. There is an increasing in age of the plantation. The rate of planting of new orchards is significantly lower - by uprooted areas. Variety structure does not meet the market demand. With few exceptions, the plantations are extensive type that can not realistically expect higher average yield. It is in this production index orchards in Bulgaria meet behind the average yields obtained in neighbouring countries and the EU, where the fruit is covered. Our country is a net importer not only of citrus species, but also of the fruits for which our country has favorable climatic conditions. The level of support of SAPS and NP has no significant impact on either the part of production costs, nor profit. The proportion of support is - rather symbolic to the costs incurred in the production. The level of support for measures relating to the implementation of the RDP 2007 - 2013 year is low. In fruit-growing area the level of association of farmers is extremely difficult. OP as a key reform in the CMO is not essential.
Ключови думи: fruit-growing; market mechanisms; net importer; SAPS and NP; variety structure
Дата на публикуване: 2018-04-03
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