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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Trends and Issues in the Development of Oilseeds - before and after the Accession of Bulgaria into the Eu
Резюме: In this paper an attempt is made to assess the state of oilseeds production before and after of Bulgaria’s accession to the EU and to put accents on the problems and opportunities of its further development. It assesses the actual effects of implementing the CAP in oilseed crops in Bulgaria. The state, development and problems of this important crop sector in the country are analyzed, as well as the support and treatment effects of different instruments and CAP overall on it. With the accession of Bulgaria to the EU new factors that the sub-sector must comply appear – opportunity to access European market, elimination of customs barriers, and protection from competition in trade with third countries, Single Payment Scheme area, and specific requirements for food safety, quality products, and environmental protection. Some of these factors positively influence oilseeds crop production’ development, others set specific requirements to comply with. The state of oilseeds crop production and its ability of reproducing is an indicator of its readiness to meet the new requirements and to adapt to the new conditions. Oilseeds showed continuous growth in its development. This is of greatest relevance to the sunflower and rapeseed. After Bulgaria’s accession to the EU as a whole area in sunflower remain at a high level and in rapeseed explode. Sunflower crop areas occupied 13-15% of total crop area during the past five years. The dynamics of the sunflower crop areas shows a steady upward trend. With regard to current level of sunflower crop areas in the country - between 700 and 800 thousand ha, the rotation requirements will not allow to maintain the trend in the area. It is believed that sunflower crop areas peaked and more efforts should be directed towards improving agrotechnics, increased average yields and quality. The sunflower is a favorite crop of Bulgarian farmers, particularly with obtaining grants and national SAPS payments. Processes are highly mechanized, and the costs incurred have been returned even if the yields are not very high; and the profits is guarantied. The increased production of sunflower over the years guaranties the growth of its exports. About 50% of the sunflower production is exported. Analysis of trends in the production of winter oilseed rape clearly shows that this culture will continue to occupy an increasingly important place in the production structure of farms specialized in the production of field crops. The reasons are mainly the high price of rapeseed in international markets and potential for export to the EU and third countries Oilseeds are one of the main strategic products for food security. This provides their consistent domestic demand, regardless of economic conditions, and also provides favorable conditions for their exports (almost unlimited demand for Turkish and European markets). These crops were recently supported by national and European policy, as well as various measures of SAPARD. Single Area Payment Scheme (EU and national) in 2010 accounted for 33% of the costs per ha, that has a positive influence on the development of these crops. The implemented system of subsidies does not stimulate scientific and technical progress, but the extensive mode of development of these crops - namely expanding areas. Together with cereals, oilseeds are among the favored crops in Bulgarian agriculture compared to vegetables, orchards and vineyards.
Ключови думи: CAP; national co-payments; national policy; oilseeds; single area payments scheme
Дата на публикуване: 2018-04-02
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