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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Methodological approach for measurement of sustainability in agriculture
B. Ivanov, T. Radev, P. Borisov, D. Vachevska
Резюме: The holistic view on sustainable agriculture is satisfying the current needs of human population of food. Currently all definitions of sustainable agriculture are basically focused on the three pillars of sustainable development - economic efficiency, ecological compatibility and social responsibility. These limits create predicament about development of methodological approach for measurement of sustainability. The aim of this paper is to develop wellfounded methodological approach for measurement of sustainability in agriculture. The production system is defined as complex of specific natural, human and technological resources. The bio-physical factors are coming from local conditions (geographical, physical, chemical and biological) in which farm are operating. These biophysical factors determine the climate, terrene, flora and fauna, type of soil, water sources and etc. The socio-economical conditions influence on activities of farm like possession of inputs and deliverance of output on market. Contrary influence of external conditions may lead to misbalance of agricultural system /farm/. Gathering needed information according to all pillars of sustainability it must be used various indicators. Some of them are specific and characterize typical object, others are integrative and provide detail information. Integrative indicators have advantage to cover group of objects which makes them suitable for decision making and following specific policies. In spite of obvious advantage of integrative indicators using them cause shortage of information about observed object. In this purpose the vital information must be synthesized in one indicator which later will be combined with others. All activities on definitions of indicators can be shown as a process which includes separate phases. Development of each phase can be executed using consultancy, feedbacks and giving new ideas improving the performance of the process.
Ключови думи: bio-physic limits; indicators; methodological approach; production; socioeconomic limits; sustainable agriculture
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-12
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