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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Distribution of agricultural products via the Internet
Simona Cheperigova
Резюме: In an environment in which the modern technologies are dynamically entering, the issue of distribution of agricultural products via the Internet is very important. Online commerce has entered the business, further developing the traditional distribution philosophy. At present, the society is facing restrictions of various kinds. Until recently, one of them covered the trade in the so-called “physical shops”, as people who do not present/ do not have a “green certificate” were not allowed. During the period of pandemic restrictions, people increasingly began to turn to online shopping for all kinds of goods and services as a major alternative to physical shopping. Even after the abolition of the Covid Measures, interest in online orders remains very high on the part of the manufacturer, because the economic cost is reduced, as well as on the part of consumers who already have acquired habits for online shopping. The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of the distribution of agricultural products via the Internet in terms of consumer interest based on anonymous surveys. The result provides specific guidelines for producers, through which they could improve the sales of agricultural products and expand the market share of online distribution.
Ключови думи: advertising; agricultural products; price; sales channels; website
Дата на публикуване: 2022-11-04
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