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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Marketing Activities of Bulgarian Vegetable Growers
Tihomira Radeva
Abstract: Marketing activities can inherently be seen as a management tool aimed at increasing the ability of the farm to respond to external business conditions. In order for marketing activities to be comp-lete, they must be based on a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external business enviro-nment, be provided with the necessaryresources and be consistent with other business activities,etc.
The purpose of this article is to determine the management decisions of vegetable growers in the implementation of marketing activities.
The main marketing activities in management areas are: vegetable growers rely on their colleagues and suppliers of raw materials to obtain information on market trends; the main criterion in determining the supplier of raw materials for production is the price; the most important product characteristic is the low cost of production per unit of product; the strongest pricing factor is the competition on the market, which makes it difficult to conduct an independent pricing policy; the products are most often sold through long sales chains, the price and term of payment leading in the selection of intermediaries; vegetable growers use personal sales as the main means of communi-cation with their customers.
Keywords: communication; distribution; price; product; resources
Date published: 2021-03-25
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