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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Efficiency of foliar fertilizer application in organic plum production
Iliyana Krishkova, Aneliya Zdravkova
Abstract: In organic plum production, one of the main elements of the technology is organic fertilization. The experiment
was conducted during the period 2019–2021 in an experimental plantation of the Institute of Agriculture –
Kyustendil, with plum (Prunus domestica L.) cv. Stanley. The planting was created in 2013. Planting distances
were 5x5 m. The following options were investigated with organic foliar fertilizers: V1 – unfertilized (control); V2 – Ecofol scheme, and V3 – Humustim. The aim of the present experiment is to determine the effect of the application of foliar organic fertilizers to the cv. Stanley plum and to make a comparative economic analysis, for which a system of basic economic indicators were used.
On average for the study period, the application of the combination of organic foliar fertilizers increased the
average fruit weight by 7.63%, and Humustim by 5.08% over that of the control. The fertilization factor had an
effect on the yields obtained and from there on the gross production. Compared to the control, both variants form an additional gross production of 329.4 and 227.5 lv/da, respectively. The increase in net income with the application of Humustim was by 73%, and with the application of Ecofol – by 117%.
Keywords: economic analysis; organic foliar fertilizers; plum
Date published: 2023-06-30
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