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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Efficiency of Calf Fattening of Bulgarian Simmental Breed with Different Rations up to 550 kg weight
Abstract: In Bulgaria there are advantageous climatic conditions for the development of cattle-breeding. During the years transition towards market economy the producers are aiming at stable and competitive production. The appropriate ration of feeding is one of the factors is one of the factors which have influence on the economic results. The purpose of this article is to present comparative economic analysis of different methods of fattening calves of Bulgarian Simmental breed up to 550 kg weight and to recommend the most effective one. The calves were allocated in four groups: the first group was fed with ration containing 20% concentrate and 80% maize silage; the second group with ration containing 26% concentrate and 74% maize silage; the third group with ration containing 50% concentrate and 50% maize silage; the fourth group with ration containing 60% concentrate and 40% maize silage. The calves of the different groups were put on equal conditions age, weight, breed and descent by father. The results show that the calves of the first group have been growing most intensively and for the period they achieved 1268 g daily gain. Then comes the second group with gain of 1219 g. The calves of the third and fourth group were with lower daily gain respectively with 1129 g and 1098 g. The difference of daily gain among the groups is reliable only between fourth in comparison with first and second (P< 0,01). The consumption of foodstuffs for 1 kg gain varied from
6,17 FU at first group to 6,23 FU, 6,66 FU and 6,79 FU at second, third and fourth groups respectively. Regarding the expenditure done the greatest are in third group 652,82 BGN, followed by fourth group 640,60 BGN, first group 588,05 BGN and second group 579,76 BGN. The greatest received profit is observed at first group 152,11 BGN, followed by second , third and fourth groups with profit of 146,40 BGN, 97,50 BGN and 87,57 BGN. The same tendency is observed at the rate of profitability also the highest is at first group 27,75%, than comes second , third and fourth groups with 25,25%, 14,93% and 13,67% respectively.
Keywords: Bulgarian Simmental Breed; cost; gain; profit; rate of profitability
Date published: 2024-09-05
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